- Category
- Assessment & Professional Tools 24
- Adults & Teenagers 12
- Group Work 18
- Creative Interventions & Therapeutic Storytelling 11
- Specific & Additional Needs 23
- The Talkabout Series 8
- Social Stories 9
- Life & Social Skills 38
- Listening to Others & Empathy 9
- Families, Friendships & Relationships 20
- Emotions & Feelings 23
- Anxiety, Worry, Stress & Fear 8
- Anger Management 1
- Self-Esteem, Positive Thinking & Awareness 9
- Positive Thinking & Coping Strategies 6
- Depression, Self-harm & Suicide 0
- Trauma, Loss & Change 5
- Relaxation 3
Social & Emotional
Mental Health, Social & Emotional Wellbeing
We all have experiences that prompt us to feel and react in different ways. We learn to cope, figure out what works for us to deal with things that upset or hurt us, forgive, communicate, learn from past mistakes and look forward to the future. This isn't easy and everyone needs help and guidance at times to figure out how they feel, how to let things go, how to cope and perhaps where to go to get a bit of expert guidance. These resources help to identify cognitive distortions, restructure negative thinking and identify positive coping strategies.
Further information on mental health can be found on the NHS Choices website NHS Choices advice and guidance on living wellFull medical definitions can be found on the World Health Organisation's (WHO) website, ICD-10 WHO Definition of Mental health and behavioural health disorders
- Mindfulness, Meditation for Stress Relief - CDSpecial Price £5.71 £4.76 Regular Price £7.14
- A Therapeutic Treasure Box for Working with Children and Adolescents with Developmental Trauma - BookSpecial Price £23.94 £19.95 Regular Price £35.99